Beyond the Color Wheel: Navigating the “Complete” Color Strategy
For landscape painters in all media: oil, pastel, watercolor, gouache, or acrylic. (The instructor will demonstrate in oil and pastel.)
The most effective color solutions in landscape painting do far more than reproduce the colors found in the natural world or in our photos. To capture the qualities of color and light, painters also rely on a color strategy. We typically think of the strategy as only being about the relationships found on the color wheel, such as analogous, complementary, triadic, etc. In fact, a “complete” color strategy involves two other essential aspects of color — relative value contrasts and relative saturation levels. Working from photographs, and through a series of practical exercises, ongoing critiques, and analysis of contemporary colorists, you will learn how all three aspects of the color strategy work synergistically to create mood, atmospheric effects, and a particular color of light. Topics to be covered include:
• The power of limited color groups and color dominance
• Color temperature
• The innate harmony of the neutral palette
• The proper way to work with high saturation palettes
• How value affects the perception of color
• The proper way to reference color in your photos
Level: Intermediate
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