Judging Statement and Award Comments Rita Kirkman PSA-MP, CPS, IAPS/EP
These Dakota contests keep getting better and better! Congratulations to everyone who entered; it takes courage to compete! If you didn't win a prize, just keep trying. Judging decisions are tough when only 12 winners are allowed per category.
I was impressed by the wide variety of skills, styles and strengths of the entries. When judging, I look for paintings that have the strongest combination of composition, color harmony, convincing light (whether soft or strong), balance (of texture, line, rhythm) and the other principles that make up a superior work of art. And then I search for things that go a bit further... an emotive pull that engages me with the image and makes me wonder what it's about. Energy or calmness, disturbance, wonder, warmth, mystery. Sometimes the cut-off point to decide on a winner is a hard decision to make.
I saw many works in this competition that could have been winners, if more places had been available.
Congratulations to you all, and Keep On Pasteling!
Rita Kirkman PSA-MP, CPS, IAPS/EP Dakota 3rd Quarter 2022 Competition Judge
FIRST PLACE Barbara Berry Yellow Stars |
SECOND PLACE Roberta Condon Pulling in the Drive |
THIRD PLACE Elizabeth Salim I'm Two |
FOURTH PLACE Harvey Segal The Blues John Lee Hooker |
Honorable Mention Jacob Aguiar McCall Thaw |
Honorable Mention Daniel Keys Aged Trees |
Honorable Mention Diane Allen Lemons in a Blue Bowl |
Honorable Mention Mark Cole Eloquence of Quietude |
Honorable Mention Robin Thornhill Breathe |
Honorable Mention Carol Strockwasson Glare |
Honorable Mention Jody Martin The Artist |
Honorable Mention Patricia Prescott Sueme Through Branches |
FIRST PLACE I was immediately impressed with the freshness of this painting. The handling of the medium is masterful. The (seemingly) quick, bold strokes are expertly laid to direct our eye to the center daffodils and the strategic bits of intense color play with the neutrals to lead the viewer in a joyful dance. The "whites" that are not white, and the values, are perfect.
SECOND PLACE Oh, the light! The high-key values and cheerful color scheme makes this a feel-good painting regardless of subject. The unusual composition is yet strong and well balanced, bouncing the eye between the buildings, up and down those bright golden trees and from foreground to background along the diagonal. The artistic textural handing makes me want to stay a while!
THIRD PLACE ATTITUDE is the first word that comes to mind! This artist is obviously a skilled portraitist, and has created more than just a portrait of a little girl here. Aside from the superb drawing and glowing skin tones, the pose and expression show a wealth of personality. The daring composition and viewpoint add intriguing meaning. All lines radiate from her.. this girl is the center of her world? (At that age, most likely, lol.) She certainly looks like she believes it.
FOURTH PLACE This painting perfectly combines subject with style. One can almost hear the blues emanating from his guitar. The loose handling and bold, fresh colors echo the music. Just as blues is best heard live, I would not be surprised if this was painted from life. And if it was not, the artist did an impressive job making it look like it was!
FIRST PLACE Anu Vedagiri Invalid Password |
SECOND PLACE Molly Ann Cooley Hygge |
THIRD PLACE Darlyne Hayes Doghouse Escape |
FOURTH PLACE Stephanie Brown Sundown on the Ridge |
Honorable Mention Sarah Rose Pinto Stallion |
Honorable Mention Robert Burgheimer Emerald |
Honorable Mention Bonnie Mueller Fall is in the Air |
Honorable Mention Kelley Clark Isola |
Honorable Mention Kathleen Wheat Saoirse |
Honorable Mention Melissa Tobia The Perfect Rose |
Honorable Mention Kim Tindell Trinity |
Honorable Mention Molly Wing-Berman Soft Landing |
EMERGING FIRST PLACE I love this composition, and how the artist has used the man's pose and the colors in the painting to convey emotion. The lines of the cord, the laptop, the arms and his shoulder keep us in an endless loop throughout the image (similar to the endless headache that is losing one's password!) Between the old bookcase and the modern laptop we see a melding (or dare I say clash?) of past and present. We feel this poor man's frustration with today's technology, which is heightened by the contrast between the muted colors of the man and his surroundings vs. the clashing red and blue of mouse and mousepad.
EMERGING SECOND PLACE This painting is so much more than a puuurfectly lovely cat portrait. It's really all about the light and that amazing fur! The limited palette and simplicity of the surroundings put this cat and his patch of sunlight in glowing relief. The soft fluffiness of the fur and the shape of the cat is so perfectly portrayed yet with minimal actual detail. We can feel that warm light and the affection the artist must have for this cat (and the affection this cat has for this warm patch of light ;)
EMERGING THIRD PLACE This one caught my eye at the start. On the surface it's a boy and his dog. But there's a story here too. The rough wall and corner where they sleep suggest a transient location, and makes us wonder where they are and what led up to this point of exhaustion. The lines of the composition are complex and interconnect to keep us within the image. The light coming in from above is subtle and the warm and cool values are accurate and sensitively rendered.
EMERGING FOURTH PLACE The light in this painting captures that time of day perfectly, the sunburst through the trees glows beautifully without being overdone. The composition is strong and calm at the same time. The rhythms of the trees, diagonal hills and the warm/cool contrasts add energy. The limited colors are harmonious. The warmth of sunlit branches and grasses makes the cool snow glow!
Dakota has the unique privilege of supporting artists in their artistic journey every day. The Staff Pick is an Emerging artist who has made strong choices in design, color, and composition, and is taking great strides in their use of the pastel material.
This quarter we congratulate
Barbara Abram - keep painting!
 WINNER Barbara Abram 'Scarlet' |